Identity Verification API

ID Scan KYC API to extract and verify data from identity documents including passport, driver license and identity card, verify remote user identity and age with our digital KYC OCR solution.

Docupass Screens
Embedded Identity Check

DocuPass KYC Verification App

DocuPass's real-time identity check app saves you time and money during client onboarding. Prevent fraud and increase profits by easily generating verification links for customers or embedding DocuPass directly into your website or application with minimal code.

  • Embed into your corporate website as modal or lightbox popup
  • Integrate into your native iOS/Android app
  • Display QR code to your customer to begin KYC
  • All-in-one solution for ID Verification, face liveness check and eSignature

DocuPass Features Live Demo

Autonomous - Ultra Fast Identity Validation Solutions


Seconds or Less


Identity Verified




Time & Cost

On-Premise Identity Verification Software

ID Fort Enterprise KYC Software

  • Deploy on your own servers without relying on our cloud service
  • Scan passports, driver licenses, identity cards from over 190 countries.
  • High accuracy OCR that works even with the blurriest images
  • Return identity data in JSON ready to be used by any application
  • Validate personal data, including given names, surname, date of birth, age, document expiry, residential address, postcode, document number, nationality and more!
  • Biometric facial recognition to verify a person's photo or video against identity documents.
  • Check whether the document is real and authentic
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ID Fort

Global Document Support

Identify passports, driver licence and ID cards from over 190 countries, with or without MRZ and barcode.

Cross Platform

Connect with our identity verification service on Web, iOS, Android, OSX, Linux or Windows applications.

100% Autonomous

Average 3 seconds to validate user identity, without any human intervention.

Unmatched Accuracy

Proprietary deep learning models to provide the best accuracy of all ID scanners and validators.

Reinforced Security

Protect your business from security risks, fraudulent transactions and unwanted chargebacks.

Rapid Integration

Deploy ID Analyzer solutions into any new or existing system under 10 minutes.

Prime ID Scanner
Desktop Software Solutions


Turn your PC or Mac into an ID & passport scanning and verification workstation, connect your camera or scanner for real-time on-premise identity check. Suitable for hotels, banks, rentals, bars, clubs, government agencies, border controls and more!

Prime ID Scanner Features
Identity Document Scanner & Identity + Biometric Verification

Scan any identification document and verify your customer's details

  • Scan passports, driver licenses, identity cards from over 190 countries.
  • High accuracy OCR that works even with the blurriest images
  • Return identity document data in JSON ready to be used by any application
  • Verify personal data, including given names, surname, date of birth, age, document expiry, residential address, postcode, document number, nationality and more!
  • Biometric facial recognition to verify a person's photo or video against identity documents.
  • Check whether the document is real and authentic

View Supported Documents

ID Analyzer

Secure Your Future: Embrace the Next Generation of Identity Verification

In today's fast-paced world, security is not just a necessity; it's a priority. At ID Analyzer, we understand the evolving landscape of security needs and offer a cutting-edge solution that transcends borders. Our platform is a comprehensive identity verification system, designed to cater to businesses, organizations, and individuals alike.

With ID Analyzer, you gain access to an unparalleled verification service that supports over 4,000 types of IDs from more than 190 countries. Whether you're looking to customize the solution to fit your unique requirements or seeking a system that continually adapts to the latest security advancements, we've got you covered.

Experience the future of security with ID Analyzer – your global partner in identity verification.

For Every Industry

Digital identity verification technology will help you grow your business.

Our Products

Versatile solutions catered for every platform and industry.

ID Verification API

Document data extraction and validation web API for 190+ countries worldwide

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Plug-and-play express user verification for mobile apps and websites

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Biometric API

High accuracy face recognition and liveness check API

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ID Fort

Enterprise on-premise KYC suite on your on server

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Transaction Vault

Identity information database to secure your customer information

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Prime ID Scanner

On-premise Identity verification software to scan and verify worldwide IDs

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Get started with world's leading identity check API today.

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